About the Musical
“The Rocky Horror Show” is a cult classic musical that combines science fiction, horror, and outrageous humor in a satirical tribute to mid-20th-century B-movie horror and science fiction films. The story follows the innocent and newly engaged Brad and Janet, who find themselves stranded during a storm and seek shelter in the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a mad scientist from another planet. Inside, they encounter a bizarre and lively cast of characters, including the rock-and-roll loving, leather-clad Eddie, and the newly created muscleman, Rocky Horror. As the night progresses, Brad and Janet’s perception of reality is turned upside down in a whirlwind of eccentricity, music, and dance.
This iconic show, featuring memorable songs like “Time Warp” and “Sweet Transvestite,” promises a thrilling and unique theatrical experience. Come be a part of this audacious adventure that celebrates individuality, freedom, and the joy of breaking conventional boundaries!
Directed and choreographed by Jake Deck, music directed by Kathryn Cole, and assistant directed by Grace Billingsley.
Featuring: Joshua David Smith, Grace Billingsley, Michaela Karr, Roland Netzer, Lavelle Johnston, Joseph Galetti, Alia Barker, Allegra Schaeffer, Elaina Vanderflught, Hadleigh Callahan, Wesley Bryan, and Lyndsey Williams.
An audience participation prop bag is included with every ticket purchased.
1 Hour and 45 Minutes with a 15 Minute Intermission
The Rocky Horror Show is presented through special arrangement with Concord Theatricals www.concordtheatricals.com